
Discover GEF

About Gef

The Green European Foundation is a European-level political foundation.  Our mission is to contribute to a lively European sphere of debate. We would like to foster greater involvement by citizens in European politics.

Furthermore, GEF strives to mainstream discussions on European policies and politics both within and beyond the Green political family. The foundation therefore acts as a laboratory for new ideas, offers cross-border political education and a platform for cooperation and exchange at the European level.

The Green European Foundation organises its work programme around three pillars: Study and Debate, Capacity Building and Networking programmes.

Discover our Work Programme here.


Green European Journal

Volume 27
"At the Edge: Frontiers of Climate Adaptation"


As the world’s fastest-warming continent and due to its historical responsibility for climate change, Europe is a frontier of adaptation in more ways than one. Within the green movement, however, the idea of managing climate risk is associated with defeatism. By critiquing examples of maladaptation and showcasing stories of transformative change, this edition aims to come to terms with climate adaptation from a green perspective – that is, to sketch out the visionary political project that must underlie any credible attempt to “stay with the trouble”.

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