The General Assembly elects a Board of Directors that meets on a regular basis and is responsible for the overall strategic management and decision-making of the foundation. The Board members nominate one or two (co-)president(s), as well as a secretary and a treasurer amongst themselves.

Our current Board was elected on the 14th of October 2022 with a mandate of three years.



Board Members – Biographies & Current Positions


Dagmar Tutschek (President)
Dagmar Tutschek has played a decisive role in shaping the Austrian Green Foundation over the past 10 years. As Director and Chairwoman of the Board she successfully supported the repositioning process of the Austrian Greens in 2018 followed by the relaunch of the Foundation in 2019, using her professional knowledge and experience in change management. Looking to the future, dealing with contradictions and building bridges between science, politics and civil society are her daily inspirations – supporting political structures to make our world one in which we and future generations would like to live in. Personal motto: nothing in life works without focus and passion!




Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield

Born in Great Britain, Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield grew up in Ivry-sur-Seine (France) before moving to Grenoble for her studies, where she was elected municipal councillor and then regional councillor. Member of the Committee of the European Green Party from 2012 to 2019, she has always linked local political commitment with European commitment. In the European Parliament, she is involved in constitutional issues, civil liberties, rule of law, digital rights and equality (women’s rights and LGBTI* rights, antiracism and fight against discrimination). Member of the Greens/EFA group, she defends a Europe of values, feminist and inclusive, and works to ensure that the action of environmentalists is useful to all, especially in countries where ecology is fragile or even absent.

 Twitter account: @GDelbosCorfield

Mar Garcia Sanz

Mar Garcia was born in Sabadell, Barcelona. She holds a degree in Political Science. Mar joined ICV, Catalonian Greens in 2003. Since then, she has been part of the Party International Secretariat. She is currently a member of Catalunya en Comú. Mar worked in the City Council of Barcelona for 12 years, where she handled the Environmental International Relations of the city of Barcelona first, and then became Head of Cabinet of the Deputy Mayor for Environment. Mar was elected as EGP Committee member in 2012 and served as EGP Secretary General from 2014 until June 2022. She is currently the Director of the European Centre for Digital Action.

Claude Weinber

Independent consultant and advisor in the fields of democratisation, civic participation and ecological transition. Mr. Weinber worked for the Heinrich Boell Foundation -HBS- (1997-2012). He established, organised and directed the HBS office in Israel and worked mainly on minority rights issues and the participation of civil society in the Israeli democracy. While serving as Director of the HBS EU office in Brussels, he contributed to the debates over the enlargement of the EU and ecological transition. From 2008 to 2014, Mr. Weinber was an advisor to a Green MEP. During the same period, he served as Secretary General of the Green European Foundation. Currently, Mr. Weinber is a freelance consultant at Action in Mediterranean (AIM). Claude Weinber is also involved in democracy promotion activities in Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria.

Vedran Horvat
Vedran is Head of the Zagreb based Institute for Political Ecology since 2015. From 2005 to 2015 he worked for Heinrich Böll Stiftung as country director for Croatia. He was also member of the managing board for National Foundation for Civil Society Development in Croatia (2012-2017). He is sociologist specialised in human rights and democratisation, with prior professional experience in journalism. He is regularly speaking and publishing on questions of European democracy, environmental justice, migration etc.

Benoit Monange (Treasurer)
Benoit is the Director of the French Green Foundation (Fondation de l’Ecologie Politique) since 2016. A graduate of the Institute of Political Studies of Grenoble, he holds a Masters in public policy from the University of Grenoble. He sits on the editorial board of the journal Écologie & Politique for which he co-edited a special issue on extractivism in 2019.


Ewa Sufin-Jacquemart
Ewa is the Director of the Polish green foundation Fundacja Strefa Zieleni. She is an activist of the Polish green party Partia Zieloni and for several years she was a delegate of the party to the EGP Council. Ewa had various professional experiences (both in Poland and France), in sociology, IT, sustainable tourism and environmental protection, CSR and diplomacy. From 2007 -2011 she was the Consul of the Republic of Poland in Luxembourg. Ewa is a member of the Board of the Congress of Women Association and coordinates their “Green Center” since 2014. She is an Associate member of the GEF General Assembly since 2017.

Benedek Jávor
Benedek is a biologist, environmentalist, and politician. After a decade in academia and in the green NGO movement he was one of the founders of the green party LMP (Hungary) in 2009 and the green-left party Párbeszéd in 2013. Member of the Parliament of Hungary and chair of its Sustainable Development Committee in 2010-2014. From 2014 to 2019 he was member of the European Parliament in the Greens/EFA group, first vice-chair of the Committee for Environment. Since 2020 he is the head of the Representation of the City of Budapest to the EU in Brussels. Special focus on energy, climate and environmental policy, as well as the rule of law and anti-corruption discourse on the European level.


Honorary presidency

The role of Honorary President of the Green European Foundation was assigned to Pierre Jonckheer, for his contributions to establishing GEF, developing its political profile and successfully serving as its Co-president between 2008 and 2016. As Honorary President, Pierre continues contributing to GEF on an ad hoc basis with his knowledge and experience, and will remain involved in some of the GEF’s projects.

Pierre Jonckheer

Pierre Jonckheer is currently lecturer at the Open Faculty for economic and social policies (FOPES) at the University of Louvain (Belgium). As researcher on European economic and social policies he has been involved in trade unions activities from 1984 until 1991. As a Green activist, he is a member of Ecolo since 1986. He has been member of parliament for the Greens both at national and European levels from 1991 until 2009, and also the first co-president of GEF from 2008 until 2016.

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