The General Assembly meets twice a year and sets the overall direction and priorities for the foundation. Its members represent the three main stakeholders of the Green European Foundation: national Green foundations from all over Europe, the European Green Party and the Green Group in the European Parliament. At least 50% of members are representatives of national political foundations.

As of June 2024, the General Assembly of the Green European Foundation is composed of:

1. Members nominated by national political foundations

  • Kevin Puisieux – Fondation de l’Ecologie Politique (France)
  • Carlo Back – Gréng Steftung (Luxembourg)
  • Dirk Holemans – Oikos (Belgium)
  • Roderick Kefferpütz – Heinrich Böll Stiftung (Germany)
  • Christine Stufferin  – Fondazione Alexander Langer (Italy)
  • Albin Arleskär – Cogito (Sweden)
  • Mar García Sanz – Fundació Nous Horitzons (Spain)
  • Juliane Alton – Freda (Austria)
  • Miriam Kennet – Green Economics Institute (United Kingdom)
  • Noortje Thijssen – Wetenschappelijk Bureau GroenLinks (The Netherlands)
  • Raúl Gómez – Transición Verde (Spain)
  • Jonathan Piron – Etopia (Belgium)
  • Tommy Simpson – Green Foundation Ireland (Ireland)
  • Gabor Hanák – Ökopolisz (Hungary)
  • Katja Alvoittu – Visio (Finland)
  • Justine Pantelejeva, Freedom and Solidarity Foundation (Latvia)
  • Lana Pukanic, Institute for Political Ecology (Croatia)
  • Ewa Sufin-Jacquemart, Fundacja Strefa Zieleni (Poland)
  • Carlos M.G.L. Teixeira, Instituto José Tengarrinha (Portugal)
  • Martina Duskova, Institute for Active Citizenship (Czech Republic)
  • Eglé Radišauskienė, Democracy Institute (Lithuania)

2. Members nominated by the European Green Party

  • Malgorzata Tracz (Poland)
  • Rasmus Nordqvist (Denmark)
  • Emma Nohrén (Sweden)
  • Benjamin Bibas (France)

3. Members nominated by the Green Group in the European Parliament

  • Alexandra Geese (Germany)
  • Gwendoline Delbos Corfield (France)
  • Heidi Hautala (Finland)
  • Sara Matthieu (Belgium)

4. Observer members:

  • Chris Sakellaridis (Greece)
  • Magnus P.  Wåhlin, Green Forum (Sweden)
  • Melisa Kutluğ – Green Thought Association (Turkey)
  • Cinta González Sentís, Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG)
  • Michael Schmid, Grüne Bildungswerkstatt Wien (Austria)
  • Peter Sims, Green House Think Tank (United Kingdom)

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