
Alice Stollmeyer – Executive Director, Defend Democracy 

Alice Stollmeyer is the Founder & Executive Director of Defend Democracy, an independent, nonpartisan, transatlantic NGO defending democracy from foreign, domestic and technological threats. Alice has a background in social studies of science, technology and society. A former energy policy adviser and digital strategist, she now works on democracy, technology, geopolitics and hybrid threats. Alice has lived and worked in Paris, Amsterdam and Brussels, the heart of the European Union. Recently, the US government selected her for an International Visitor Leadership Program for her ‘excellence and leadership’. She is in Politico’s #Power40 top influencers who are most effectively setting the agenda in politics, public policy and advocacy in Brussels.

Júlia Boada-Danés – Member of Spanish Parliament (Sumar)

Júlia studied Political Sciences at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona. During this period she became a member of the board of the Catalan Young Greens (Joves d’Esquerra Verda) and of the Federation of Young European Greens. After some years working as Director of the Barcelona Youth Council, she moved to Brussels for a Master on European Studies. She has worked 5 years as political advisor at the European Green Party and since July 2023 she’s member of the Spanish Parliament for Sumar En Comú Podem for the constituency of Girona.

Agata Meysner – President of Generation Climate Europe

Agata Meysner is an activist and an environmentalist driven by empowering young people to become climate changemakers in their communities. She is leading Generation Climate Europe, the largest coalition of youth-led networks on climate and environmental issues in Europe. She has served in several advisory roles to different organisations focusing on meaningful youth engagement, environment and system change, most recently in the OECD Youth Advisory Board.


Closing connect session 

Conference is ending soon, but our ideas from it are just the start. Let us take a quick swim through the thoughts and learnings soup. Let us not lose great ideas born during the coffee breaks. We will open the floor for all those who feel like they have to say something. That something could be a thought, a feeling or the next great project seed, campaign slogan or just a critical question that we can think about on our way home.

Vesna Jusup – Operations Director at European Centre for Digital Action

Vesna’s educational background is in Art history, Museology and Pedagogy. But, last two decades she spent in the Green family, working on capacity building, networking, leadership and impact of young Greens, FYEG, CDN and Green parties. The last Green post Vesna held was the position of the Head of Policy, Strategy and Capacity development unit in the European Green party. Today, Vesna works as Operations director in European Center for Digital action, on a mission to raise digital capacities of the progressive political parties and organisations, specialized in digital organizing and small donor fundraising.


Tomke Ptasiński – OSCE Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights

Tomke Ptasiński (they/them) is a human rights lawyer and activist based in Poland, currently working at OSCE Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights. They have been a volunteer project coordinator with Amnesty International from 2016 to 2021, worked at the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights in Poland and in the environmental law charity ClientEarth, as well as volunteered with other NGOs and grassroots movements as an activist and a human rights educator.


Closing address

Małgorzata Tracz-Member of Sejm – Lower House Polish | Parliament Partia Zieloni European Green Party Committee Member

Member of the 9th term of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland, Committee Member of the European Green Party, Co-chair of the Polish Green Party from May 2015 to January 2022.



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