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9:00 am - 6:30 pm

The Beyond Growth 2023 Conference is a multi-stakeholder event aiming to discuss and co-create policies for sustainable prosperity in Europe, based on a systemic and transformative approach to economic, social and environmental sustainability and its encompassing governance framework.  

About the event

With this event , the organisers aim to challenge conventional policy-making in the European Union and to redefine societal goals across the board, in order to move away from the harmful focus on the sole economic growth – that is, the growth of GDP – as the basis of our development model. The conference will put into practice the idea of a post-growth future-fit EU that combines social well-being and viable economic development with the respect of planetary boundaries.

This three-day event is a cross-party initiative of 20 Members of the European Parliament, supported by a wide-range of partner organisations, which follows the success of the Post-Growth 2018 conference. The conference offers an opportunity for discussion across institutional boundaries and with European citizens. It will involve stakeholders from EU and national policymaking, academia, social partners and civil society organisations. As it aims to discuss the future of European citizens, it will take place in their house, in the European Parliament (Brussels’ site) on 15-16-17 May 2023. Live streaming will also be available.





The Green European Foundation supports innovative approaches to economic sustainability in Europe and, together with its European and national partners, aspires to contribute to the transition towards societies that enable a good life for all within planetary boundaries.

Economic transformation has been a core area of work for GEF since its beginning. Today the foundation is active in fostering the reflection on the creation of a society and the functioning of an economy beyond GDP growth. GEF also  aims to be at the forefront of the critique of economic growth and the existing economic model by supporting the coming to light of alternative models and ideas. In this context, it is with great pleasure that the foundation will actively support the organisation of the upcoming Beyond Growth Conference.





Dates: 15-17 May

Location: European Parliament (Brussels) and online

Registration: Please sign up here

Degrowth Open Letter

There is no empirical basis indicating that it is possible to globally and sufficiently decouple economic growth from environmental pressures.

Read here


GEF in the Media

EU Observer





Related reading

Ten Thoughts on Growth

Rethinking Demand

Metals for a Green and Digital Europe

The Transformative Doughnut Economics Model

The Beyond Growth 2023 conference is an initiative of 20 Members of the European Parliament from five different political groups and non-attached, with the support of other partner organisations including the Green European Foundation.


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