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9:30 am - 12:00 pm

As Europe transitions from a legislative term dominated by a pandemic and an escalating ecological emergency, which required significant green and human care policy initiatives, the new EU mandate presents an opportunity to unify these agendas. Adopting a green caring society approach can foster collaboration among decisionmakers committed to a sustainable, resilient, and positive European future.

About the event

This event marks the launch of the GEF Political Brief: A European Green Caring Society – Overcoming Fragmentation. This publication is a result of a Knowledge Community led by Proto(to)pia founder and GEF core expert Céline Charveriat, with contributions of a wider group of experts. It examines the interconnections between care for the climate, biodiversity and the environment on the one hand and care for humans on the other. It argues that the related systems are currently in a twin crisis and advocate for integrated political solutions.

Key proposals to achieve this goal are put forward in the Brief. They include extending the EU’s Do No Harm principle to encompass both human and environmental care, fostering a green care sector, implementing ecological and progressive tax reforms, establishing a People’s Sovereignty Fund and creating a new Commission Vice-Presidency for Caring Societies. These initiatives aim to bridge policy silos, promote sustainability, and ensure social equity, thus fostering a resilient and inclusive European society. The concept of a Green Caring Society also has significant international implications. The interconnected nature of both the ecological crisis and public health risks necessitates global cooperation. The EU must minimize the negative impacts of its (care) systems on the rest of the world while maximizing positive outcomes through mutually beneficial partnerships. Supporting a global green care strategy and advocating for the rights of future generations and nature are essential components of this effort.

A Green Caring Society can bring the EU closer to its citizens and enhance overall well-being while respecting the planet’s boundaries. This unified approach of green and human care policy strands has the potential to significantly enhance public support for the European project and ensure a sustainable, resilient future for all.

On the 11th of July Celine Charveriat will present the Political Brief, after which we will have experts joining us for a panel discussion.



  • Céline Charveriat – Founder of Proto(to)pia Consulting and core expert of the Knowledge Community A European Green Caring Society
  • Robbie Stakelum – Head of Policy and Advocacy Social Platform
  • Nicolas Galudec – Senior Policy Advisor at United Nations Environment Programme, Brussels office
  • Sylvia Lorek – Hot or Cool Institute
  • Blanca De Riquer Gatell – Advisor Greens /EFA group in the European Parliament
  • Maria Nikolopoulou – Member of the European Economic and Social Committee
  • Moderated by Taube Van Melkebeke – Policy Manager at Green European Foundation


9h30: Doors open

10h – 10h30: Opening of the event, presentation of the Political Brief A European Green Caring Society – Overcoming Fragmentation

10h30 – 12h00: Panel discussion: moving towards a European Green Caring Society – what steps to take in the next EU legislation?



Date and Time: 11 July 2024, 9h30 – 12h

Location: Mundo Madou, Av. des Arts 7/8, 1210 Brussels (Room: Artemisia)
and online (link will be shared with registered participants)

Language:  English

Registration: This event is free and open to all. Please register here.



This event is organised by the Green European Foundation with the financial support of the European Parliament to the Green European Foundation. The European Parliament is not responsible for the content of this event.

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