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1:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Can the European Union ensure well-being while reducing its oversized material footprint? Does that require that we renounce economic growth? If so, how would that impact our relations with the Global South? This Dutch-language seminar explores the links between (over)consumption, ecology and geopolitics. 

About the event

European demand for materials has impacts all over the world. Our consumption, far greater than the global average, contributes to the destruction of ecosystems near and far. For some materials and goods, we depend on autocratic regimes. So there is an ecological and a geopolitical need to reduce our resource consumption. To do so, should we abandon the pursuit of economic growth, as advocated by the degrowth movement? Could we still meet everyone’s needs and grow our well-being? 

Many of the materials that we use, including for the energy transition, are extracted in the Global South. There, mining often comes at the expense of the environment, nature and local communities. At the same time, millions of people depend on mining for their livelihoods. Can the EU assist developing countries in earning more with less mining? Can we break with neo-colonial exploitation and build new partnerships with the Global South? After all, we need partners in a time of mounting geopolitical conflicts and a deepening ecological crisis. 

The questions we discuss in this seminar are inspired by GEF’s report Geopolitics of a Post-Growth Europe and a (forthcoming) report by the Dutch Young Climate Movement on what young people need to live sustainably. We will discuss them with experts, in plenary and break-out sessions, and formulate political action points together. 


Programme and Speakers

13:00 Arrivals and registration 

13:30 Welcome by moderator Erika van der Linden (young climate activist) 

13:35 Short introductions 

  • Ecology and geopolitics – Richard Wouters (Wetenschappelijk Bureau GroenLinks) 
  • Resource hunger and the Global South – Marius Troost (Both Ends) 

13:55 Interactive discussion 

14:30 Break 

14:40 Breakout sessions 

  • Circularity and post-growth 
  • Sustainable and just mobility 
  • Resource partnership with the Global South  
  • Technology and geopolitics 

15:40 Break 

16:00 Closing panel with Erika van der Linden, Richard Wouters, Trineke Palm (Wetenschappelijk Instituut ChristenUnie), Tishana Martijn (Jonge Klimaatbeweging), René Kleijn (University Leiden), and others 

17:00 Closing and drinks 



Date and time: Friday, 14 June, from 13:30 to 17:00 CEST 

Location: De Kargadoor, Oudegracht 36, Utrecht 

Language: Dutch 

Registration: This event is open to the general public, but prior registration is required. Please sign up here. 



This project is organised by the Green European Foundation with the support of Wetenschappelijk Bureau GroenLinks and young climate activists, and with the financial support of the European Parliament to the Green European Foundation. The European Parliament is not responsible for the content of this event. 

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