
Europe is the continent where multiple forms of transportation have been invented or brought to technological maturity. The free movement of persons has made Europe grow together and led to an ever-stronger sense of cohesion. Cross-border mobility is a prerequisite for a united EU and the experience of inter-connectedness on all levels. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has limited the freedom of movement extensively and shows the vulnerability of Europe as a place of constant movement. While air traffic decreased and the use of bicycles increased, there has also been a strong negative shift from shared transport to individual transport. If this change prevails, a great deal of earlier efforts to reduce GHG emissions in the transport sector will be nullified. If one thing is clear is that recovery packages to overcome the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic must be accompanied by a commitment to a sustainable transformation that avoids further carbon lock-in with a transport sector still largely powered by fossil fuels.


Our European Mobility Atlas seeks to contribute to the efforts towards sustainable and just mobility in Europe. Thus, it covers a multitude of transport-related aspects relying on evidence-based research and highlighting concrete, tangible mobility solutions from across our continent. GEF is working together with Heinrich Böll Stiftung to Europeanise the debate on sustainable mobility on our continent. We are doing this by translating the English language version of the European Mobility Atlas to Spanish and Italian, as well as providing a series of infosheets on the mobility context in Spain.

With more and more people being mobile, Europe is a continent that needs to remain innovative in order to achieve the relevant climate goals. We need new technologies to align our mobility infrastructure and behaviour with the pressing challenges of the upcoming years. To save our climate, the European Green Deal has to be Europe’s first priority.


Digital version in Spanish is available here.

Digital version in Italian is available here.

Digital version in Portuguese available here.

Complementary resources

Present and Future of Mobility in Spain (ES): available here.

These publications have been realised by the Green European Foundation in cooperation with Heinrich Böll Stiftung, and the financial support of the European Parliament to the Green European Foundation. The European Parliament is not responsible for the content of this publication

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Publication date :
2021, November 25
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