To coincide with the European Commission’s White Paper on Transport, the Greens/EFA Group has commissioned a comprehensive document on the urgent steps that are needed to put Europe’s transport network on the path to sustainability. This report, now published by GEF, is the fifth in the Green New Deal Series.

With the major contribution that the transport sector makes to CO2, there is a need for major reductions in its emissions to ensure Europe meets its necessary targets of an overall reduction of 20% by 2020. This publication sets out the urgent action that needs to be taken in order to achieve these targets, along with the benefits that such actions can bring to the economy and the quality of life for Europe’s citizens.

Authored by transport expert Pierre Radanne, the publication examines not just the short term changes that are required, but also discusses a longer term vision for what a sustainable transport system would be like for Europe.


Commission White Paper 133.10 KB 52 downloads

Format :
Number of pages :
Publication date :
2011, August 11
Type :
Studies and Research

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