GEF strives to mainstream discussions on European policies and politics both within and beyond the Green political family. It works to create a common Green vision for Europe and to communicate it to the wider public. 




A credible future beyond growth has to be feminist THE BRUSSELS TIMES


The Covid-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine brought extraordinary suffering but also triggered unprecedented waves of solidarity in European societies. The selfless work of volunteers combined with political decisions that contravened the profit-maximising principles of the market have saved lives and helped avert many disaster scenarios. Still, the GDP numbers failed to reflect any of this.


Pensar más allá del crecimiento económico ELDIARIO.ES

(Thinking Beyond economic growth)

Hace no mucho, fila tras fila, las estanterías de los supermercados del Reino Unido –normalmente repletas de alimentos frescos– quedaron vacías. Fue  un recordatorio de las “cosas” de nuestra economía no caen del cielo. Exigen mano de obra (explotada), energía y recursos físicos, además de contaminar el planeta. Un cambio de paragima no significa un empeoramiento de nuestro nivel de vida, si exploramos cómo es realmente una vida sana y de calidad.


The geopolitics of a post-growth EU  EUOBSERVER 


A post-growth EU would gain in resilience. It is better to manage the end of growth through democratic deliberation than to have it imposed on us by ecological breakdown or resource conflicts. Will a post-growth EU be able to defend itself, its allies, democracy, human rights and a rules-based international order against attacks by the likes of Russia or China?


The future of Europe depends on cities THE BRUSSELS TIMES


Ambitious policies are only possible in healthy democracies that respect the rule of law and give public debate and civil society the necessary space. But in some countries, the erosion of the rule of law prevents cities from acting as frontrunners in the transition to a more sustainable society. The European Union and its European Green Deal should not therefore be seen merely as negotiation between nation-states but parts of a multilevel system that depends on a vibrant local level.




The future of Tourism in the Mediterranean – Vedran Horvat  

Vedran Horvat, managing director of Institute for Political Ecology and GEF´s Board Member, analyses the future of tourism in the Mediterranean in the podcast The Price of Paradise 

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