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12:00 am - 11:30 pm

Are you based in Poland and interested in activism, ecology and their involvement in politics and public life? Do you want to make a difference to your community and beyond? Τhen the European Green Activist Training is the right programme for you!

About the event

The European Green Activist Training (EGAT) is an international training program for young people (16-26 years old) culminating in a study visit to the European Parliament.  EGAT takes place between October 2022 and March 2023. During this time, participants will take part in 6 weeks of e-learning and 3 stationary meetings (in Warsaw), during which they will learn how the European Parliament works and how implement local social campaigns and projects. Finally, they will receive mentoring and support to implement their own projects and activities.

Participants profile

  • Young people between 16 and 26 years of age, who may or may not already have experience in activism.
  • Members of Fridays for Future movement, youth city councils, youth organizations and associations or young people active in informal youth groups.
  • People valuing issues such as: respect for the environment and planetary boundaries, human and animal rights, democracy and openness to others, respect for people and animals, regardless of their origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation or social status.
  • People who want to grow and change to the world around them.
  • Good knowledge of English language is desired.



What awaits the participants of EGAT?

1. Three stationary (or hybrid) meetings in Poland.
2. Participation in 6 weeks of e-learning courses on the functioning of European Parliament.
3. Support from mentors in the implementation of their own campaigns or local projects.
4. Participation in a study visit to the European Parliament in March 2023.


  • 28 October- 12 December 2022 

During the meetings participants will get to know each other, establish new contacts and learn to plan actions and activities together. During e-learning, they will learn about the structure and functioning of the European Parliament and deepen their knowledge on policy issues. In case of a pandemic lockdown meetings might be organized online or in hybrid format. The offline meetings will take place on the following dates:

I) 28-30 October 2022.

II) 18-20 November 2022.

III) 9-11 December 2022.

  • December 2022 – February 2022 – implementation of local projects

Enriched with new knowledge, participants of EGAT will be able to start implementing their own ideas for action. In small teams (4-5 people) they will implement their small, local or online projects. They will receive the support of mentors to implement their ideas. Project implementation is not a mandatory element of the program, but participants will be strongly encouraged to implement their own projects.

March 2023 – visit to the European Parliament

Participants who complete all stages of the EGAT will take part in a visit to the European Parliament together with a hundred people from other countries, where similar trainings take place (Finland, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Spain, Greece). During 3 days of the study tour they will visit the Parliament, meet MEPs and take part in joint workshops with young activists from other countries. Participation in the a study visit is not obligatory. In case of a pandemic lockdown the visit might be organized online.




Participants have to bear only 10% of the cost of participation in the training, i.e. 200 PLN. The European Parliament, Green European Foundation and Strefa Zieleni Foundation will cover the costs of participation in three stationary meetings (including travel, accommodation and meals), as well as the cost of participation in a study visit to the European Parliament (travel, accommodation and meals).

In case of a difficult financial situation, please contact us (fundacja@strefazieleni.org). We want everyone to be able to participate in the program, regardless of their financial situation, therefore, it is possible to cover 100% of participation cost for persons who are not able to pay the participation fee.


Please fill in this form no later than 12th October, 2022, 23:59. All accepted candidates will be informed about the results by 20th October.


This project is organised by the Green European Foundation with the support of Fundacja Strefa Zieleni and with the financial support of the European Parliament to the Green European Foundation.

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