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8:00 am - 5:00 pm


In the face of multiple crises – climate and energy, geopolitical, cost-of-living – the challenges and opportunities for sustainable mobility are complex and evolving. What implications do these challenges hold for the specific contexts of Portugal and Spain, within the wider context of the European Green Deal? And how can we safeguard a green and socially just mobility transition?

By putting a spotlight on these challenges while fostering a trans-European exchange on best practices, this event series seeks to nurture the debate in Portugal and Spain around the future of mobility. It seeks to bring together relevant stakeholders from civil society, academia, and politics to discuss and explore key questions, tensions, and opportunities for the future of mobility and the Green Deal in Europe.



Our debates series will unfold in various locations across Portugal and Spain, hybrid, and online formats.


Reading material

The project is based on the Heinrich Böll Stiftung European Mobility Atlas, corresponding Portuguese and Spanish language versions, and associated booklet, Present and Future of Mobility in Spain, and the GEF Metals for a Green and Digital Europe – An Agenda for Action, and corresponding Portuguese and Spanish language versions.


This debates series is organised by the Green European Foundation and Heinrich Böll Stiftung EU with the support of Instituto José Tengarrinha, Transición Verde, Fundació Nous Horitzons, EcoPolítica and the financial support of the European Parliament to the Green European Foundation.

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